
Money Planning 2020

Money Planning 2020

There’s so much to this conversation on MONEY PLANNING for the new year!

First of all, we have the goals.

1. Set your money goals.

This can include:

  • income goals
  • items you wish to purchase
  • things you want to see and do
  • business income
  • asking for a raise
  • savings and investment goals
  • debt reduction goals

Okay, so the stage is set. You have an idea in your head of what you want to accomplish.

Next step:

2. Write it down everyday.

“But Lisa, I use all the online tools, like MINT, so I don’t need to write it down.”

Yes, you do.

You actually have to write it down often.

Ideally every day.

But you know this.

And going back to last week’s blog on scheduling, you need to make sure you are planning time to actually write down your money goals.

This is part of it.

It refocuses you daily.

It anchors you in your goals.

Writing it down gives your mind a visual.

I have to tell you this strange thing.

I was trying to recall what I wrote in my blogs over the past year.


Even this right now as I click-clack away at the keys, I won’t remember.

But if you asked me what I wrote down in my journal, I could tell you exactly what I journaled on and what my goals are written in there – even up to the last few years! I can actually see my journals and what’s on each page in my head.

Photographic memory.

If you are like that, then you best be taking what I’m saying about writing down your money goals to heart!

And yes, the online tools, the cool money phone apps (I mean, I get it – I’ve created an application too and know how useful they can be!), but they will never be able to replace that special part of your brain that can recognize what you wrote by hand.


And, I’m sure this holds for most people. OBVIOUSLY not all,.

So, totally utilize the YNAB app or MINT or whatever floats your boat, but keep writing too.

Okay, so be able to write your goals down every day, and as I already mentioned it, you need to….

3. Schedule Your Money Date In Your Calendar

This can be weekly, daily – whatever needs to happen for you.

Some people have very simple financial lives.

I don’t.

Money comes in almost every day for me and money goes out.

Many of you have crazy juggling acts.

Whether you are juggling lots of money stuff or have a simple money life, setting a money date with yourself will help you create calm.

Yesterdays money date included Christmas music and a coffee.

It can be a coffee shop, a glass of wine, flowers – I’ve even had a bubble bath money date before – although that gets tricky with the paper and water…. just sayin’.

Light a candle, play some music and do some of these activities in your money date:

  • Check on your KMM (Key Money Metrics – included in my 5 Money Metrics you need to watch – ask me for the blog post link!)
  • Check on account balances
  • Make a list of upcoming expenses and due dates
  • Make a list of upcoming income & sales coming in
  • Update your spreadsheets (if you’ve followed me long enough, I gave out the money makeover spreadsheet for free, you can DM me for the URL sign up!)
  • Pay Bills
  • Donate Money, plan your charitable giving
  • Investment Research
  • Insurance policies review
  • Book an appointment with ME – your financial planner!

Next we talk about the book keeping and number…..

5. You are the CEO of Your Financial Life.

So start acting like it!

Literally, you need to be running your financial life like a successful Fortune 500 company and not like the government. 🙂

You need to look at strategies, make plans, follow up on plans, make sure you aren’t overspending.

This doesn’t take rocket science.

All it takes is a belief that you are good with money.


If you can do simple grade 2 & 3 math, then you can be a money wiz.

And what you really need for 2020 is to UNCOMPLICATE your financial life!

Especially if you find you have tried every software and program and app that’s out there, you can rest assured that even large businesses can be boiled down to a simple 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper printed from a simple spreadsheet.

You can make your life that simple.

It does not need to be complicated.

We use Quickbooks and other things – but at the end of the month, the CEO needs to see the overviews, the big picture stuff!

Details are important and can be looked upon as needed, but sometimes GIRLS, you just need to keep it simple.

6. Don’t over complicate your financial life!

and if you really take to heart some of these money planning tips for 2020 then you will be sure to…

Live Your Legacy!

xx L